Chapter 3-2: To Write, or Not to Write – That is the Trick Question


The question isn’t really whether or not I should write…more what should I write!? I start my fall semester in a little over three weeks. I’m in the home stretch of my writing Masters and have to prepare my thesis which is a completed manuscript. Now believe it or not, I’m not paralyzed with fear over actually completing a manuscript (something I have yet to do I may add). I am however at a complete loss as to what to write.

I have ideas…so many ideas. There are three that are currently floating through my brain. One is a collection of young adult short stories that heavily feature the societal views and opinions that affect teens in negative ways. Not a happy book by any means but something I feel would get people talking and hopefully have an effect on at least one person.



There’s another one that I recently came up with. It’s a funny NA book about a peculiar addict that repeatedly falls off the wagon with increasingly dire consequences (I’d tell you more but I really like this one and don’t want to give too much away).

The final one is one that has been stewing for over a year. I keep coming back to it. It’s a thriller…I think. I love my main character (she’s a B.A.M.F), her origin story is hard and sad but it gives her purpose and an energy that is intoxicating. Not to mention I get to shoot people and blow people up in cool ways in this one so it’s even more exciting to me.

I have three ideas; three completely different voices. It may just be a thesis, but I’m hoping to edit it, give it to Beta readers and pitch it eventually so…what should I choose?


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